Sticky PostingsAll 242 fabric | rblg updated tags | #fabric|ch #wandering #reading
By fabric | ch -----
As we continue to lack a decent search engine on this blog and as we don't use a "tag cloud" ... This post could help navigate through the updated content on | rblg (as of 09.2023), via all its tags!
FIND BELOW ALL THE TAGS THAT CAN BE USED TO NAVIGATE IN THE CONTENTS OF | RBLG BLOG: (to be seen just below if you're navigating on the blog's html pages or here for rss readers)
-- Note that we had to hit the "pause" button on our reblogging activities a while ago (mainly because we ran out of time, but also because we received complaints from a major image stock company about some images that were displayed on | rblg, an activity that we felt was still "fair use" - we've never made any money or advertised on this site). Nevertheless, we continue to publish from time to time information on the activities of fabric | ch, or content directly related to its work (documentation).
Posted by Patrick Keller
in fabric | ch
Monday, September 11. 2023 14:29
Defined tags for this entry: 3d, activism, advertising, agriculture, air, algorithms, animation, archeology, architects, architecture, art, art direction, artificial reality, artists, atmosphere, automation, behaviour, bioinspired, biotech, blog, body, books, brand, character, citizen, city, climate, clips, code, cognition, collaboration, commodification, communication, community, computing, conditioning, conferences, consumption, content, control, craft, culture & society, curators, customization, data, density, design, design (environments), design (fashion), design (graphic), design (interactions), design (motion), design (products), designers, development, devices, digital, digital fabrication, digital life, digital marketing, dimensions, direct, display, documentary, earth, ecal, ecology, economy, electronics, energy, engineering, environment, equipment, event, exhibitions, experience, experimentation, fabric | ch, farming, fashion, fiction, films, food, form, franchised, friends, function, future, gadgets, games, garden, generative, geography, globalization, goods, hack, hardware, harvesting, health, history, housing, hybrid, identification, illustration, images, immaterial, information, infrastructure, installations, interaction design, interface, interferences, kinetic, knowledge, landscape, language, law, life, lighting, localization, localized, machinelearning, magazines, make, mapping, marketing, mashup, material, materials, media, mediated, mind, mining, mobile, mobility, molecules, monitoring, monography, movie, museum, music, nanotech, narrative, nature, networks, neurosciences, new-material, non-material, opensource, operating system, participative, particles, people, perception, photography, physics, physiological, politics, pollution, presence, print, privacy, product, profiling, projects, psychological, public, publications, publishing, reactive, real time, recycling, research, resources, responsive, ressources, robotics, rules, scenography, schools, science & technology, scientists, screen, search, security, semantic, sharing, shopping, signage, smart, social, society, software, solar, sound, space, spatial, speculation, statement, surveillance, sustainability, tactile, tagging, tangible, targeted, teaching, technology, tele-, telecom, territory, text, textile, theory, thinkers, thinking, time, tools, topology, tourism, toys, transmission, trend, typography, ubiquitous, urbanism, users, variable, vernacular, video, viral, vision, visualization, voice, vr, war, weather, web, wireless, world, worldbuilding, writing
Friday, February 09. 2024Mnemosyne – History and Research in Arts and Design / (Re)Viewing Paik | #paik #digitization #digitalexhibition
Note: as part of a year-long preliminary research into digital exhibitions, we teamed up with the Nam June Paik Art Center (South Korea) - and their incredible collection and archive of Nam June Paik's works -, as well as ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne, to deliver initial thoughts and proofs of concept. Late last year saw the publication of Mnemosyne, a book on "History and Research in Arts and Design" (ed. Davide Fornari, published by ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne (HES-SO)). In this context, I had the chance to be in conversation with NJPAC curator Sang Ae Park about this joint research. Among other topics, we discussed the unrealized piece – at the time – "Symphony for 20 rooms" (1961) by Nam June Paik as a potential inspiration for "remote" exhibitions, at home. This discussion gave ground to the paper "A Symphony for Nam June Paik, Digitally" (below), while this preliminary research is likely to continue in the form of a longer-term research.
----- By Patrick Keller
Posted by Patrick Keller
in fabric | ch, Art, Interaction design
Defined tags for this entry: ar, art, artificial reality, automation, computing, design (environments), design (interactions), digital, fabric | ch, interaction design, non-material, publications, publications-fbrc, research, schools, spatial, variable, vr, worldbuilding, xr
Thursday, August 03. 2023Moviment exhibition at the Centre Pompidou – fabric | ch during Chapter "Par-delà la matière" | #matter #non-matter #automated #exhibition #fabricch
Note: Early last July, fabric | ch took part in the Moviment exhibition-festival at Centre Pompidou, in Paris. Organized in 10 chapters (Red thread; The bedroom, the house, the city; In the spotlight; Aloud, Here and elsewhere, Other-worldly; Of gesture and time; To the max; Beyond matter; The grand finale!), this was the occasion – following the words of the curators – to "reactivate the essence of the Centre Pompidou ideals: to assemble all the different ways of encountering creativity, understanding it, participating in it; to be a monument in motion, a "moviment." It was truly a success, with outstanding guests and a very interesting hybrid museum format, somewhere in-between exhibition and performance, talks and workshops. In this context and during "Chapitre 9: Par-delà la matière" curated by Marcella Lista & Philippe Bettinelli, fabric | ch presented recent works about digital exhibitions.
----- By fabric | ch
A few pictures from Moviment / Chapter 9: (with fabric | ch, M. Lista & Les Immatériaux, M. Klonaris & K. Thomadaki, H.U. Obrist – "Résistances" project with LUMA Foundation and P. Parreno, J.-L. Boissier - Electra / Pictures by C. Babski & H. Veronese)
Via Centre Pompidou -----
Beyond Matter / Par-delà la matièreMoviment, chapter 9Sat 8 – Sun 9 July 2023
Combining technology and memory, the penultimate chapter of Moviment looks back at two major cultural events in the world of art and music, and the ways in which they can be perpetuated, revived or experienced beyond their materiality and topicality. In partnership with LUMA Foundation
Affiche de l’exposition "Les Immatériaux", 1985 – © Centre Pompidou. Conception graphique : Grafibus.
Retour sur « Les Immatériaux »Arts plastiques, Nouveaux médias Exposition, rencontresOrganisé par les commissaires Jean-François Lyotard et Thierry Chaput en 1985, « Les Immatériaux » était un essai aux fondements philosophiques adoptant l’exposition comme média ou interface. En faisant dialoguer œuvres d’art, technologies et documents scientifiques, les commissaires interrogeaient la condition humaine à l’ère des nouvelles technologies, dans différents domaines de la vie physique et psychique. La scénographie, particulièrement novatrice, privilégiait la désorientation, la stimulation de tous les sens et l’interactivité. Les visiteurs, dont le parcours n’était pas contraint mais « induit » par des écrans suspendus à l’opacité variable, étaient munis d’un casque diffusant une bande sonore variant au gré de leur déambulation dans la soixantaine de sites et les vingt-six zones audio de l’exposition. Cette exposition historique a récemment fait l’objet d’une reconstitution virtuelle dans le cadre du projet de recherche « Beyond Matter ». Exposition en continu, samedi 8 juillet 2023
« Beyond Matter »Financé par la Commission européenne, le projet de recherche « Beyond Matter: Cultural Heritage on the Verge of Virtual Reality » vise à développer des outils technologiques et théoriques pour la reconstitution virtuelle d’expositions historiques et la documentation d’expositions en cours. Les recherches menées dans le cadre de ce projet ont notamment porté sur deux expositions pionnières : « Iconoclash » (4 mai–1er septembre 2002, ZKM) et « Les Immatériaux » (28 mars–15 juillet 1985, Centre Pompidou). Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás et Marianne Schädler du Zentrum für Kunst und Medien de Karlsruhe (ZKM) présenteront la publication conclusive du projet européen. Les artistes Jeremy Bailey, Damjanski, fabric | ch (Patrick Keller, Christian Babski, Christophe Guignard), Geraldine Juárez (en visioconférence), Carolyn Kirschner et Anne Le Troter présenteront ensuite les œuvres qu’ils et elles ont pu concevoir dans le cadre de l’exposition « Matter, Non-Matter, Anti-Matter » (3 décembre 2022–23 avril 2023, ZKM), restituant une partie des résultats du projet « Beyond Matter ». Samedi 8 juillet 2023, 13h30–16h
« Les Immatériaux » : Artistes et historiens en conversationLe chercheur Andreas Broeckmann, ainsi que les artistes Katerina Thomadaki, Jean-Louis Boissier et Jean-Claude Fall reviennent sur « Les Immatériaux », exposition pionnière à laquelle ils ont participé. Séance modérée par Marcella Lista, Philippe Bettinelli et Marie Vicet. Samedi 8 juillet 2023, 16h-18h
Maria Klonaris, Katerina Thomadaki, "Orlando-Hermaphrodite II", 1985, photographies noir et blanc sur panneau. Courtesy Katerina Thomadaki.
Après « Les Immatériaux »Projet porté par le curateur Hans Ulrich Obrist et l’artiste Philippe Parreno avec le soutien de LUMA Foundation, « Résistances » fait écho à l’exposition « Les Immatériaux » imaginée par Jean-François Lyotard. Resté inachevé, ce projet se trouve tout à la fois continué et réimaginé à travers des rencontres et la production de « films de pensée ». Samedi 8 juillet 2023, 18h–19h30 La conversation se déroulera en français et en anglais, suivie d’une projection des « films de pensée ».
Films de pensée : Produits et commandés par LUMA Foundation Courtesy Maja Hoffmann / Luma Foundation Collection
Séances, samedi 8 juillet 2023, à 13h30 et 17h30
Introduction par Albert Serra à 17h30
Cinéma 2, niveau –1
Projection, samedi 8 juillet 2023, à 19h30
Plan fixe du film "THE RARE EVENT" de Ben Rivers et Ben Russell. Courtesy Maja Hoffmann / Luma Foundation Collection.
En lien avec la présentation temporaire au Musée, niveau 4, Espace de consultation des collections vidéos, films, sons et œuvres numériques : « Les Immatériaux » (1985). Aperçus d'une manifestation postmoderne au Centre Pompidou. Du 5 juillet au 30 octobre 2023
Couverture de l'album Daft Punk, "Random Access Memories" © Zaina
Daft Punk, Random Access MemoriesSession d’écoute avec Sonorium
Musique Session d'écoute, rencontre
5 Grammy Awards et un triomphe instantané, un tube planétaire ("Get Lucky"), une production incroyable de précision et des collaborations prestigieuses (Pharrell Williams, Julian Casablancas, Panda Bear, Giorgio Moroder…), Random Access Memories, le dernier album de Daft Punk, a marqué les esprits et installé le duo comme une figure majeure de la pop contemporaine. À l'occasion de l'édition 10e anniversaire de l'album culte le 12 mai dernier, le Centre Pompidou et Sonorium vous invitent à une session d'écoute de l'album en intégralité, dans des conditions exceptionnelles grâce à une installation sonore immersive réalisée par l’Ircam et une nouvelle technologie immersive développée par sa filiale Ircam Amplify.
Dimanche 9 juillet 2023 – gratuit sur réservation Sessions précédées d'une introduction par Éric Jean-Jean et suivies d'une discussion avec le public
Day-by-day programSaturday, 8 July 2023
Sunday, 9 July 2023
Also in the presence of: Jeremy Bailey, Daniel Birnbaum, Andreas Broeckmann, Damjanski, fabric | ch (Patrick Keller, Christian Babski, Christophe Guignard), Jean-Claude Fall, Maja Hoffmann, Éric Jean-Jean, Geraldine Juárez, Carolyn Kirschner, Anna Longo, Marianne Schädler, Albert Serra, Anne Le Troter.
Posted by Patrick Keller
in fabric | ch, Architecture, Art, Culture & society
Defined tags for this entry: architecture, art, artificial reality, artists, computing, conferences, culture & society, curators, exhibitions, exhibitions-fbrc, fabric | ch, immaterial, material, non-material, spatial, talks-fbrc, thinking, worldbuilding
Thursday, June 29. 2023Atomized (re-)Staging by fabric | ch at Centre Pompidou | #exhibitions #digital #revival #iconoclash #immatériaux
Note: At the invitation of Macella Lista and Livia Nolasco-Roszas (curators), fabric | ch presents Atomized (re-)Staging during the Moviment festival-exhibition at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, as part of a weekend devoted to a return to the landmark exhibition Les Immatériaux (which took place at Beaubourg in 1985).
Via @ptrckkllr and @beyondmatereu (research project & exhibition: Beyond Matter) -----
Posted by Patrick Keller
in fabric | ch, Architecture, Art
Defined tags for this entry: architecture, art, artificial reality, artists, computing, digital, exhibitions, exhibitions-fbrc, fabric | ch, history, interface, interferences, material, new-material, non-material, spatial, world, worldbuilding
(Page 1 of 1, totaling 4 entries)
fabric | rblgThis blog is the survey website of fabric | ch - studio for architecture, interaction and research. We curate and reblog articles, researches, writings, exhibitions and projects that we notice and find interesting during our everyday practice and readings. Most articles concern the intertwined fields of architecture, territory, art, interaction design, thinking and science. From time to time, we also publish documentation about our own work and research, immersed among these related resources and inspirations. This website is used by fabric | ch as archive, references and resources. It is shared with all those interested in the same topics as we are, in the hope that they will also find valuable references and content in it.
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